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An inconvenient truth  1 January 2010

I would strongly advise you to watch the documentary film “An inconvenient truth” to get a good understanding of the issue. Whether you know a lot about climate change or you are not sure what it is all about, this film is outstanding. And I can see why Al Gore has been given a Nobel Peace Prize for it. The web address is buy it or borrow it from a library – and pass it around your friends.

Categories:   About CC  

Copenhagen Diagnosis  

The Copenhagen Diagnosis is a report, compiled by the University of New South Wales, to update policy makers in time for the December 2009 – Copenhagen climate summit (COP15). This report shows how quickly the science is moving in our understanding of climate change. Unfortunately it finds evidence that things are even worse than predicted in AR4. Our emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise (In 2008 they were 40% higher than 1990 levels) and measurements of ice melt and sea level rise are faster than expected (80% above past IPCC projections).

Categories:   About CC  

My basic explanation of Climate Change  

In this page I have tried to summarise how we are changing the climate, presenting you with some of the key phrases, like “greenhouse gas” and “global warming”. There are links at the bottom to useful, on-line sources of further information.

Categories:   Climate Change  

IPCC – Fourth Assessment Report (AR4)  

The core group of people that are looking into the climate change problem are the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). You can see their latest findings at the IPCC website. Their Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) was published in 2007. This is the consensus of all of the world’s leading climate scientists. Its findings are quite worrying, especially how much change has accelerated more than they predicted in the previous report. However, they do make clear that we can make a difference (i.e. mitigate the problem) if we act now. There is a lot of information on their website, you will probably want to start by reading the Summary for Policymakers documents in AR4, starting with “The Physical Science Basis”.

Categories:   About CC  

Stern Review: Economics of Climate Change  

The IPCC received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, which is a strong recognition of their work for humanity. You will now find that every political leader in the world knows that climate change is happening. Some of them may be paying lip service to the issue but they know it is important. One of the key things that convinced politicians was an economic paper: the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change. The conclusions of this paper were that climate change will cost between 5% and 20% of global GDP(Gross Domestic Product), each year (now and forever), if we don’t do anything about it. This compares to a cost of 1% of global GDP to do something about it if we start now. There is nothing quite like hitting our leaders in the wallet to persuade them to start taking it seriously!

Categories:   Climate Change  

Brittle Sky  15 October 2008

Brittle Sky (released 2008) is a 12 track album that captures the mature sound of Static Rain. There is sophistication in there with a wild edge, like a 1999 Dom Perignon over broken glass. It looks sexy, sounds powerful and we are really pleased with it!

Categories:   Recordings  Static Rain  

Album cover Dewpoint  1 December 2004

Dewpoint is our first album (released 2004). It was written recorded, produced and engineered by the band using our own digital multitrack recording equipment. Eleven tracks put down in a converted barn in deepest, darkest Wales…

Categories:   Recordings  Static Rain  

Album cover Moment of Clarity  30 September 2001

Static Rain’s first professional recording (Released in 2001). Three tracks were recorded and mixed at Dream of Oswald studios…an experience we wouldn’t have missed for anything!

Categories:   Recordings  Static Rain