Thank you for visiting my website. It’s a place I have created to share some of the things I have learned about climate change, as well as my music and other interests. I’ve designed it to be simple to use, safe and responsive. The site is not interactive so I don’t collect any personal information about you (see Privacy Policy below). There are no links to dodgy sites, and whilst there may be some poor grammar in places, there is no bad language. I hope that you can therefore feel confident to explore these pages no matter how old or young you are.

I don’t allow adverts on my site, as I don’t like way our information is snooped by the big internet advertising companies. Hence I don’t get any money directly from the pages. If you do feel moved to support me that will be amazing and inspiring. If you head to my Bandcamp page and buy a song or two that would be very generous. 😉
Contacting me
If you want to get in touch please e-mail I’m afraid I take to social media like a brick to water…I’m a bit of a lost cause there.
Copyright © statement
Unless otherwise labelled, all materials displayed on this website (including text, images, music, programming and design) are copyright © 2006-2023 Chris Beales. All rights reserved. I assert my right to ensure that no alterations are made to these materials. I also assert my moral rights.
Privacy Policy
I do not collect any information through my website so hopefully you can feel confident as you explore these pages. The site is hosted on IONOS servers (that I am paying for) and I’ve set it up using WordPress, with a theme template that I have developed.
I do uses the Jetpack plugin, which does collect some basic analytics data. For details please see the following statement, which is copied from
Data Used: IP address, user ID (if logged in), username (if logged in), user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp of event, browser language, country code. Important: The site owner does not have access to any of this information via this feature. For example, a site owner can see that a specific post has 285 views, but he/she cannot see which specific users/accounts viewed that post. Stats logs — containing visitor IP addresses and usernames (if available) — are retained by Automattic for 28 days and are used for the sole purpose of powering this feature.