How to get smarter about your business’s water use (8 Jun)

How to get smarter about your business’s water use Tickets, Tue 8 Jun 2021 at 16:30 | Eventbrite

I’m looking forward to speaking at this event on the 8th. It’s going to be a great opportunity to help raise awareness of the need to save water in Reading. I’ll be doing a bit of scene setting: explaining why climate change and growth are issues for us; and introducing the ReadingCAN Water Theme.

Also speaking are:

  • Sally Bremner from Thames Water, who leads on Non-Household Water Efficiency. Sally has some eye-opening information about how much water is wasted; and really useful ways to save water and make real difference.
  • Verity Leal (alongside Donna McKittrick) will then talk about the experiences of The Oracle shopping centre in adopting some of Thames’ Smarter Business initiatives.

There is a lot of useful information to share, and I am looking forward to the discussions, which always bring out interesting ideas and new opportunities. Big thanks to Verity for bringing us all together for the event; and also to Ethical Reading who are hosting this, and for all the good things they are doing for the town.

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