I have given a lot of presentations over the years, on a variety of climate change related and other subjects. I do enjoy the chance to talk to a new audience. And I take great pleasure in passing on what I have learned, and in helping to explain some often complex issues and ideas.
Some of the topics that I have covered are listed below. Please do get in touch if you are interested in me talking to your group or organisation (my contact details are at the bottom of the page).
- Extreme events and the link to climate change
- Where Reading gets its water from
- Historic and future flooding, notably on the River Thames
- About the Reading Climate Change Partnership, our new Strategy and the new Reading Climate Action Network
- Climate change and health
- Climate change and heat
- UK climate emission targets
- The UK climate projections and what we can expect for Reading
- Catchment Climate Change Adaption Plans – a new risk assessment for the Water Framework Directive, second cycle River Basin Plans
- Scenario Testing Tools – a new concept for river catchment climate adaptation planning
- The first Climate Change Adaptation Plan that I commissioned for Reading